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Gk of Biology

1. Penicillin is extracted from.

2. Which among the following element increases the absorption of water and calcium in plants?

3. Which among the following help in circulation of blood?

4. Angora wool is extracted from.
Ans: Rabbit.

5. Our bones and teeth are generally made of .
Ans: Tricalcium phosphate.

6. Pituitary gland is located in.
Ans: Brain.

7. Which of the following diseases affected women easily than that of men.
Ans: Heart attack.

8. The cross section of a stem of tree has fifty rings. What is the age of the tree.
Ans: 50 years.

9. The pollination of maize takes place by
Ans: Pollination by air .

10. Onion is a modified from of
Ans: Stem.

11. The pollen grains of flowers pollinate by insects are.
Ans: Rough and Sticky

12. The disease caused by Asbestos is.
Ans: Emphysema.

13. Which of the following is the largest living bird.
Ans: Ostrich.

14. Kidney disease in man is caused by the pollutant.
Ans: Cadmium.

15. A rare and endangered animal in silent valley is.
Ans:  Lion-tailed macaque.

16. AIDS virus has.
Ans: Single-stranded RNA

17. Anglo Nubian is a breed of.
Ans: Goat.

18. What kind of soil is treated with gypsum to make it suitable for cropping.
Ans: Alkaline.

19. Typhoid fever is caused by.
Ans: Bacteria.

20. What is a Sponge.
Ans: An animal.    

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